
The new major version is out!
The library was renamed to adaptix due to extending of the working scope.

This update features:

  1. Support for model-to-model conversion.

  2. Support for attrs and sqlalchemy (integration with many other libraries is coming).

  3. Fully redesigned API helping to follow DRY.

  4. Performance improvements of up to two times.


  1. Support for model-to-model conversion.

  2. Support for attrs and sqlalchemy (integration with many other libraries is coming).

  3. Fully redesigned API helping to follow DRY.

  4. Performance improvements of up to two times.


  • python >= 3.6

You can use dataclass_factory with python 3.6 and dataclass library installed from pip.

From python 3.7 it has no external dependencies outside of the Python standard library.


  • No schemas or configuration needed for simple cases. Just create Factory and call load/dump methods

  • Speed. It is up to 10 times faster than marshmallow and dataclasses.asdict

  • Automatic name style conversion (e.g. snake_case to CamelCase)

  • Automatic skipping of “internal use” fields (with leading underscore)

  • Enums, typed dicts, tuples and lists are supported from the box

  • Unions and Optionals are supported without need to define them in schema

  • Generic dataclasses can be automatically parsed as well

  • Cyclic-referenced structures (such as linked-lists or trees) also can be converted

  • Per-field validators


from dataclasses import dataclass
import dataclass_factory

class Book:
    title: str
    price: int
    author: str = "Unknown author"

data = {
    "title": "Fahrenheit 451",
    "price": 100,

factory = dataclass_factory.Factory()
book: Book = factory.load(data, Book)  # Same as Book(title="Fahrenheit 451", price=100)
serialized = factory.dump(book)

Supported types

  • numeric types (int, float, Decimal, complex, Fraction)

  • bool

  • str, bytearray, bytes

  • List and common protocols like Iterable are parsed as list

  • Tuple, including something like Tuple[int, ...] or Tuple[int, str, int]

  • Dict

  • Enum is converted using its value

  • Optional

  • Any, using this type no conversion is done during parsing. But serialization is based on real data type

  • Union

  • Literal types, including variant from typing_extensions

  • TypedDict types with checking of total, including variant from typing_extensions

  • dataclass and NamedTuple

  • Generic dataclasses

  • Other standard types like datetime, Path, UUID and IPV4Address

  • Custom classes can be parsed automatically using info from their __init__ method. Serialization is done by calling vars() function and then processing real data types

  • Or you can provide custom parser/serializer