Extended usage

You can configure the factory during its creation. You can’t change the settings later because they affect parsers, which are created only once for each instance of a factory.

Most of the configuration is done via Schemas. You can set default schema or one per type:

factory = Factory(default_schema=Schema(...), schemas={ClassA: Schema(...)})

More verbose errors

Currently, errors are not very verbose. But you can make them a bit better using debug_path of a factory. It is disabled by default because affects performance.

In this mode InvalidFieldError is thrown when some dataclass field cannot be parsed. It contains field_path which is a path to the field in provided data (key and indexes).

Working with field names

Name mapping

In some cases, you have json with keys that leave much to be desired. For example, they might contain spaces or just have unclear meanings. The simplest way to fix it is to set a custom name mapping. You can call fields as you want and the factory will translate them using your mapping.

from dataclasses import dataclass

import dataclass_factory
from dataclass_factory import Schema

class Book:
    title: str
    price: int

data = {
    "title": "Fahrenheit 451",
    "book price": 100,

book_schema = Schema(name_mapping={
    "price": "book price"
factory = dataclass_factory.Factory(schemas={Book: book_schema})
book: Book = factory.load(data, Book)
serialized = factory.dump(book)

Fields absent in mapping are not translated and used with their original names (as in dataclass specification).

Stripping underscore

It is often unnecessary to fill name mapping. One of the most common cases is dictionary keys which are python keywords. For example, you cannot use the string from as a field name, but it is very likely to see in APIs. Usually, it is solved by adding a trailing underscore (e.g. from_).

Dataclass factory will trim trailing underscores so you won’t meet this case.

from dataclasses import dataclass

import dataclass_factory
from dataclass_factory import Schema

class Period:
    from_: int
    to_: int

data = {
    "from": 1,
    "to": 100,

factory = dataclass_factory.Factory()
period = factory.load(data, Period)

Sometimes this behavior is unwanted, so you can disable this feature by setting trim_trailing_underscore=False in Schema (in default schema of the concrete one). Also, you can re-enable it for certain types.

from dataclasses import dataclass

import dataclass_factory
from dataclass_factory import Schema

class Period:
    from_: int
    to_: int

data = {
    "from_": 1,
    "to_": 100,

factory = dataclass_factory.Factory(default_schema=Schema(trim_trailing_underscore=False))
period = factory.load(data, Period)

Name styles

Sometimes json keys are quite normal but ugly. For example, they are named using CamelCase, but PEP8 recommends you to use snake_case. Of cause, you can prepare name mapping, but it is too much to write for such a stupid thing.

The library can translate such names automatically. You need to declare fields as recommended by PEP8 (e.g. field_name) and set corresponding name_style. As usual, if no style is set for a certain type, it will be taken from the default schema.

By the way, you cannot convert names that do not follow snake_case style. In this case, the only valid style is ignore

from dataclasses import dataclass

from dataclass_factory import Factory, Schema, NameStyle

factory = Factory(default_schema=Schema(

class Person:
    first_name: str
    last_name: str

person = Person("ivan", "petrov")

serial_person = {
    "FirstName": "ivan",
    "LastName": "petrov"

assert factory.dump(person) == serial_person

Following name styles are supported:

  • snake (snake_case)
  • kebab (kebab-case)
  • camel_lower (camelCaseLower)
  • camel (CamelCase)
  • lower (lowercase)
  • upper (UPPERCASE)
  • upper_snake (UPPER_SNAKE_CASE)
  • camel_snake (Camel_Snake)
  • dot (dot.case)
  • camel_dot (Camel.Dot)
  • upper_dot (UPPER.DOT)
  • ignore (not real style, but just does no conversion)

Selecting and skipping fields

You have several ways to skip processing of some fields.


Skipped fields MUST NOT be required in class constructor, otherwise parsing will fail

Only and exclude

If you know exactly what fields must be parsed/serialized and want to ignore all others just set them as only parameter of schema. Also, you can provide a list with excluded names via exclude.

It affects both parsing and serializing.

from dataclasses import dataclass

import dataclass_factory
from dataclass_factory import Schema

class Book:
    title: str
    price: int
    extra: str = ""

data = {
    "title": "Fahrenheit 451",
    "price": 100,
    "extra": "some extra string"

# using `only`:
factory = dataclass_factory.Factory(schemas={Book: Schema(only=["title", "price"])})
book: Book = factory.load(data, Book)  # Same as Book(title="Fahrenheit 451", price=100)
serialized = factory.dump(book)  # no `extra` key will be in serialized

# using `exclude`
factory = dataclass_factory.Factory(schemas={Book: Schema(exclude=["extra"])})
book: Book = factory.load(data, Book)  # Same as Book(title="Fahrenheit 451", price=100)
serialized = factory.dump(book)  # no `extra` key will be in serialized

Only mapped

Already have name_mapping and do not want to repeat all names in only parameter? Just set only_mapped=True. It will ignore all fields which are not described in name mapping.

Skip Internal

More simplified case is to skip so-called internal use fields, those fields which name starts with underscore. You can skip them from parsing and serialization using skip_internal option of schema.

It is disabled by default. It affects both parsing and serializing.

from dataclasses import dataclass

import dataclass_factory
from dataclass_factory import Schema

class Book:
    title: str
    price: int
    _total: int = 0

data = {
    "title": "Fahrenheit 451",
    "price": 100,
    "_total": 1000,

factory = dataclass_factory.Factory(default_schema=Schema(skip_internal=True))
book: Book = factory.load(data, Book)  # Same as Book(title="Fahrenheit 451", price=100)
serialized = factory.dump(book)  # no `_total` key will be produced

Omit default

If you have defaults for some fields, it is unnecessary to store them in serialized representation. For example, this may be None, empty list or something else. You can omit them when serializing using omit_default option. Those values that are equal to default, will be stripped from the resulting dict.

It is disabled by default. It affects only serialising.

from typing import Optional, List

from dataclasses import dataclass, field

import dataclass_factory
from dataclass_factory import Schema

class Book:
    title: str
    price: Optional[int] = None
    authors: List[str] = field(default_factory=list)

data = {
    "title": "Fahrenheit 451",

factory = dataclass_factory.Factory(default_schema=Schema(omit_default=True))
book = Book(title="Fahrenheit 451", price=None, authors=[])
serialized = factory.dump(book)  # no `price` and `authors` key will be produced
assert data == serialized

Structure flattening

Another case of ugly API is a too complex hierarchy of data. You can fix it using already known name_mapping. Earlier, you used it to rename fields, but also you can use it to map a name to a nested value by specifying a path to it.

Integers in the path are treated as list indices, strings - as dict keys. It affects parsing and serializing.

For example, you have an author of a book with only field - name (see Nested objects). You can expand this dict and store the author name directly in your Book class.

from dataclasses import dataclass

import dataclass_factory
from dataclass_factory import Schema

class Book:
    title: str
    price: int
    author: str

data = {
    "title": "Fahrenheit 451",
    "price": 100,
    "author": {
        "name": "Ray Bradbury"

book_schema = Schema(
        "author": ("author", "name")
factory = dataclass_factory.Factory(schemas={Book: book_schema})

# Book(title="Fahrenheit 451", price=100, author="Ray Bradbury")
book: Book = factory.load(data, Book)
serialized = factory.dump(book)
assert serialized == data

We can modify example above to store author as a list with name

from dataclasses import dataclass

import dataclass_factory
from dataclass_factory import Schema

class Book:
    title: str
    price: int
    author: str

data = {
    "title": "Fahrenheit 451",
    "price": 100,
    "author": ["Ray Bradbury"]

book_schema = Schema(
        "author": ("author", 0)
factory = dataclass_factory.Factory(schemas={Book: book_schema})

# Book(title="Fahrenheit 451", price=100, author="Ray Bradbury")
book: Book = factory.load(data, Book)
serialized = factory.dump(book)
assert serialized == data

Automatic naming during flattening

If names somewhere in “complex” structure are the same, as in your class you can simplify your schema using ellipsis (...). There are two simple rules:

  • ... as as a key in name_mapping means Any field. Path will be applied to every field that is not declared explicitly in mapping
  • ... inside path in name_mapping means that original name of field will be reused. If name style or other rules are provided the will be applied to the name.


from dataclasses import dataclass

import dataclass_factory
from dataclass_factory import Schema

class Book:
    title: str
    price: int
    author: str

data = {
    "book": {
        "title": "Fahrenheit 451",
        "price": 100,
    "author": {
        "name": "Ray Bradbury"

book_schema = Schema(
        "author": (..., "name"),
        ...: ("book", ...)
factory = dataclass_factory.Factory(schemas={Book: book_schema})

# Book(title="Fahrenheit 451", price=100, author="Ray Bradbury")
book: Book = factory.load(data, Book)
serialized = factory.dump(book)
assert serialized == data

Parsing unknown fields

By default, all extra fields that are absent in the target structure are ignored. But this behavior is not necessary. For now, you can select from several variants setting unknown attribute of Schema

  • Unknown.SKIP - default behavior. All unknown fields are ignored (skipped)
  • Unknown.FORBID - UnknownFieldsError is raised in case of any unknown field is found
  • Unknown.STORE - all unknown fields passed unparsed to the constructor of a class. Your __init__ must be ready for this
  • Field name (str). The specified field is filled with all unknowns and the parser of the corresponding type is called. For simple cases, you can annotate that field with Dict type. In the case of serialization, this field is also serialized and the result is merged up with the current result.
  • Several field names (sequence of str). The behavior is very similar to the case with one field name. All unknowns are collected to a single dict and it is passed to parsers of each provided field (be careful modifying data at pre_parse step). Also, their dump results are merged when serializing
from typing import Optional, Dict

from dataclasses import dataclass

from dataclass_factory import Factory, Schema

class Sub:
    b: str

class Data:
    a: str
    unknown: Optional[Dict] = None
    sub: Optional[Sub] = None

serialized = {
    "a": "A1",
    "b": "B2",
    "c": "C3",

factory = Factory(default_schema=Schema(unknown=["unknown", "sub"]))
data = factory.load(serialized, Data)
assert data == Data(a="A1", unknown={"b": "B2", "c": "C3"}, sub=Sub("B2"))

Additional steps

Most of the work is done automatically, but you may want to do some additional processing.

Real parsing process has following flow:

╔══════╗      ┌───────────┐      ┌────────┐      ┌────────────┐      ╔════════╗
║ data ║ ---> │ pre_parse │ ---> │ parser │ ---> │ post_parse │ ---> ║ result ║
╚══════╝      └───────────┘      └────────┘      └────────────┘      ╚════════╝

The same is for serializing:

╔══════╗      ┌───────────────┐      ┌────────────┐      ┌────────────────┐      ╔════════╗
║ data ║ ---> │ pre_serialize │ ---> │ serializer │ ---> │ post_serialize │ ---> ║ result ║
╚══════╝      └───────────────┘      └────────────┘      └────────────────┘      ╚════════╝

So the return value of pre_parse is passed to parser, and return value of post_parse is used as the total result of the parsing process. You can add your logic at any step, but mind the main difference:

  • pre_parse and post_serialize work with serialized representation of data (e.g. dict for dataclasses)
  • post_parse and pre_serialize work with instances of your classes.

So if you want to do some validation - it is better to do at post_parse step. And if you want to do polymorphic parsing - check if a type is suitable before parsing is started at pre_parse.

Another case is to change the representation of some fields: serialize json to string, split values and so on.

import json
from typing import List

from dataclasses import dataclass

from dataclass_factory import Schema, Factory

class Data:
    items: List[str]
    name: str

def post_serialize(data):
    data["items"] = json.dumps(data["items"])
    return data

def pre_parse(data):
    data["items"] = json.loads(data["items"])
    return data

def post_parse(data: Data) -> Data:
    if not data.name:
        raise ValueError("Name must not be empty")
    return data

data_schema = Schema[Data](
factory = Factory(schemas={Data: data_schema})

data = Data(['a', 'b'], 'My Name')
serialized = {'items': '["a", "b"]', 'name': 'My Name'}
assert factory.dump(data) == serialized
assert factory.load(serialized, Data) == data

    factory.load({'items': '[]', 'name': ''}, Data)
except ValueError as e:
    print("Error detected:", e)  # Error detected: Name must not be empty

Schema inheritance

In some cases, it might be useful to subclass Schema instead of just creating instances normally.

from typing import Any

from dataclasses import dataclass

import dataclass_factory
from dataclass_factory import Schema

class Book:
    title: str
    price: int
    _author: str = "Unknown author"

data = {
    "title": "Fahrenheit 451",
    "price": 100,

class DataSchema(Schema[Any]):
    skip_internal = True

    def post_parse(self, data):
        print("parsing done")
        return data

factory = dataclass_factory.Factory(schemas={Book: DataSchema(trim_trailing_underscore=False)})

book: Book = factory.load(data, Book)  # Same as Book(title="Fahrenheit 451", price=100)
serialized = factory.dump(book)


In versions <2.9: Factory created a copy of a schema for each type filling in missed args. If you need to get access to some data in schema, get a working instance of the schema with Factory.schema method


Single schema instance can be used multiple time simultaneously because of multithreading or recursive structures. Be careful modifying data in the schema


You can generate json schema for your classes.

Note that factory does it lazily and caches the result. So, if you need definitions for all of your classes, create schema for each top-level class using the json_schema method and then collect all definitions using json_schema_definitions

import json
from enum import Enum
from typing import Dict, Union

from dataclasses import dataclass, field

from dataclass_factory import Factory, Schema

class A(Enum):
    X = "x"
    Y = 1

class Data:
    a: A
    dict_: Dict[str, Union[int, float]]
    dictw_: Dict[str, Union[int, float]] = field(default_factory=dict)
    optional_num: int = 0

factory = Factory(schemas={A: Schema(description="My super `A` class")})
print(json.dumps(factory.json_schema(Data), indent=2))
print(json.dumps(factory.json_schema_definitions(), indent=2))

Result of json_schema call is

  "title": "Data",
  "type": "object",
  "properties": {
    "a": {
      "$ref": "#/definitions/A"
    "dict": {
      "$ref": "#/definitions/typing.Dict[str, typing.Union[int, float]]"
    "dictw": {
      "$ref": "#/definitions/typing.Dict[str, typing.Union[int, float]]",
      "default": {}
    "optional_num": {
      "type": "integer",
      "default": 0
  "additionalProperties": true,
  "required": [

Result of json_schema_definitions call is

  "definitions": {
    "A": {
      "title": "A",
      "description": "My super `A` class",
      "enum": [
    "typing.Union[int, float]": {
      "title": "typing.Union[int, float]",
      "anyOf": [
          "type": "integer"
          "type": "number"
    "typing.Dict[str, typing.Union[int, float]]": {
      "title": "typing.Dict[str, typing.Union[int, float]]",
      "type": "object",
      "additionalProperties": {
        "$ref": "#/definitions/typing.Union[int, float]"
    "Data": {
      "title": "Data",
      "type": "object",
      "properties": {
        "a": {
          "$ref": "#/definitions/A"
        "dict": {
          "$ref": "#/definitions/typing.Dict[str, typing.Union[int, float]]"
        "dictw": {
          "$ref": "#/definitions/typing.Dict[str, typing.Union[int, float]]",
          "default": {}
        "optional_num": {
          "type": "integer",
          "default": 0
      "additionalProperties": true,
      "required": [


Not all features of dataclass factory are supported currently. You cannot generate json-schema if you use structure-flattening, additional parsing of unknown fields or init-based parsing. Also, if you have custom parsers or pre-parse step, schema might be incorrect.